Car & Truck Accident Attorney in Orange, New Jersey

In a personal injury case, an individual claims to receive reimbursement for medical expenses, loss of earnings, and other expenses caused by an accident or injury in which they weren’t at fault or were only partly at fault. Workplace accidents, auto accidents, and other similar incidents can be distressing and cause significant upheaval for the injured party and their loved ones.

Common Types of Personal Injury

Some common types of personal injury include:

If you experience an injury, whether in a construction accident at your workplace or in your home due to a defective product, document your injuries carefully, and speak to our Orange, NJ, accident attorneys for advice as soon as possible. Personal injury attorneys in Essex County can advise you on the best course of action to increase your chances of getting maximum compensation.

How an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Our personal injury attorney can work with you to help you understand who may be liable and ensure the claims process is followed properly. Proving fault and deciding what claim to pursue can be a complex process, but accident attorneys can help you navigate the process successfully.

When you consult with a personal accident attorney promptly after an incident, they can gather evidence and start the claims process in a timely fashion, negotiating on the client’s behalf in addition to speaking with insurance companies.

Comparative Negligence Laws and Personal Injury Cases in New Jersey

New Jersey’s comparative negligence laws state that an individual can’t seek damages from someone if they’re considered to have been more at fault than the other person. So, if you’re involved in a car accident, and the responsibility for the accident is assessed as being 50/50 in terms of the two parties, you could attempt to recover damages. However, if you’re more at fault than the other party, you wouldn’t be able to do so.

A skilled personal injury attorney from Law Offices of Mitchell Friedman can help you make the case that the other individual was the negligent party. In a complex case, they can identify who to pursue to help ensure you receive compensation.

Recoverable Damages in Personal Injury Cases

After a personal injury, you may be able to recover a variety of damages, including:

The amount you can claim and whether claims for pain and suffering are likely to be approved depends on the circumstances of your injury. A local accident and personal injury attorney can advise on what’s likely to be approved in your case.

Personal Injury Cases We Cover

Personal injury claims can come in several forms, and Mitchell Friedman can assist with a range of cases, including:

In some cases, an accident that looks like it belongs to one category could belong to another. For example, if you’re involved in an automotive accident caused in part by your inability to stop quickly enough and the reason you couldn’t stop was because the brakes failed, you may have a product liability case against the automotive manufacturer.

Work With Mitchell Friedman for Your Personal Injury Case

If you live in Orange, NJ, or the surrounding area and have suffered a personal injury through a motor vehicle accident, defective product, workplace accident, or medical malpractice, Mitchell Friedman can help you claim the compensation you’re duly entitled to receive. As experienced personal injury lawyers, we cover a wide range of practice areas and offer timely, attentive, and thorough services and representation.

We understand personal injuries can be stressful, and you have to concentrate on medical treatment and recovery from the accident. Our goal as accident attorneys is to aggressively pursue the negligent party to ensure your costs are covered, giving you one less thing to worry about. Contact us today for an initial consultation.

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